Michal Krasnopolski's minimalist movie posters takes minimalism to another level. Each title is represented by a very simple shape that makes sense if you've seen the film, or sometimes it's a take on the title (such as North by Northwest).
The designs rigorously adhere to the same mold: a circle overlaid by two diagonals, all inscribed in a square. The structure seems stringent, but, as Krasnopolski found out, it could actually yield “plenty of possibilities.” His poster for the original Star Wars, for example, consists of a grey circle diametrically bisected by a single line and set on a black background. (Hint: it’s the Death Star.) A diagonal red line, partially dissolved at the bottom end, signifies the Man of Steel’s fiery takeoff into the sky in Superman. A dial of red tick marks, each more faded than the last, references the submarine radar screen from The Hunt for Red October.
Of course, you can take minimalism a little too far. I still don't "get" the posters for Pulp Fiction or Raiders of the Lost Ark. You can see all 22 of them at Fast Co. Design. Link