
GeoGuessr is a game that uses Google Street View. You'll get an image, and you try to guess where in the world it is. I jumped in and scored 4470 right off, which must be awful, because I guessed very wrong. Then I figured out you can zoom and turn just like any Street View scene, and improved in my second game to 7002, which is still awful. It turns out that no matter how much you zoom into a sign, it will not "enhance" like in TV crime dramas. It also helps to zoom into the world map to make your guess, because even if you know the answer, you'll be scored on how close you mark the spot. I finally busted 10K on my third try. This could be addictive. Link -via the Presurfer

I hope you guys are talking total points and not ones for a single guess. I got one of Ceder Point and was 0.003km from the picture and I only got 6449 and I located it in the first 15 secs.

The next one however was a 2 lane road between two corn fields with no structures or signs visible. I said Indiana they said Alberta and gave me 842 points.
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You can also move down the road in most of them (just like in street view). But as I have discovered, the score is based on how close you can guess your original location, not the recognizable landmark you found several kilometers down the road.

It also gets doesn't help when you get yourself lost. I saw a lot of the Canadian countryside that way.
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Damnit, now I'm hooked.
Just scored 31,985; nearest guess was 2m off in the middle of Amsterdam (starting on the junction of a tramline was a big help). I've noticed that there's a high percentage of Australian locations when I play. Does anyone else get this or is it just us Aussies?
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Is it my birthday?!!! I loved this site! If the location was somewhere in the western U.S. I could get within a few hundred miles, even if I'd never been there, like Alberta, Canada. Also pretty good at the northern latitudes. Below the equator? Disaster! In one guess I was about 7,000 miles off. Thanks, Miss C., this is loads of fun!
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