How to Shave Like Your Grandpa

(YouTube link)

The Art of Manliness shows you how to shave the old-fashioned way, like your grandpa did, with proper shaving cream and a double-edge safety razor. This kind of shave is economical, environmentally-friendly, and results in a better overall shave compared to using modern disposable razors. And the best part:

You’ll feel like a bad ass. It’s nice taking part in a ritual that great men like your grandfather, John F. Kennedy, and Teddy Roosevelt took part in.

Find complete instructions and links to recommended products at The Art of Manliness. Link -Thanks, Brett!

I shave with unscented Dove... works great, just scrub your wet face with the bar, then lather up with your left hand. You can shave with your right and have the soap on your left hand for the second go-round. Don't run the water, plug the sink and fill it, save our water! If you use the safety razor (I don't) be careful when you dispose of blades... they don't just go in the trash. Normally they go in the bottom of the pack they came out of.
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@ John it takes no more time to shave with a safety razor than with a standard razor, and unlike your mach 3, the blades are pennies on the dollar and last 3x as long if not longer. Its all about prep, i.e., put brush into mug of hot water, shower, lather, shave, done. The initial hit to get into olde timey shaving is a bit expensive, but after that its cheap as hell. I've been using one feather brand blade for about 6 months now and its still sharp and I've got thick stubble and beard. If anything you should be using traditional shaving cream instead of the foam and gel crap if anything. Mach 3 blades sell on the net for $2 a blade in some of the "bulk" paks, the feather double edge (which means you can shave with both sides if one side dulls!) blades for are .31 cents. If you buy the feather in bulk(100) you can get em even cheaper @ .02 cents!
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Modern four and five blade razors last for months no matter how you treat them. Safety razor blades can be sharpened with simple devices, but if the blade has a nick or a crack, they must never be used again. If you want a razor to last forever, get a straight razor and a strop.
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