Archive for April 26th, 2013

Portrait of the Joker Made out of Joker Quotes

Ben Ramer invites you to carve a smile on your face in amusement. His portrait of the Joker is made up entirely of lines from Heath Ledger's Joker in The Dark Knight.LinkBatman, Joker, Ben Ramer, The Dark Knight...

Sixpence None The Richer's Kiss Me in Klingon

[] You may recognize the tune right away, but here's something you don't know about Sixpence None The Richer's Kiss Me. It sounds much better sung the way it...

Low Expectations Sticky Notes

Low Expectations Sticky NotesDo your your sticky notes adequately reflect your fun personality? No? Ditch the boring and plain paper and get the Low Expectations Mean Everyone Ends Up Happy Sticky Notes from the NeatoSho...

Woman Swallows Diamond at Charity Event

The Tampa Woman's Club held a fundraising event in which 400 flutes of champagne each held a gem. All but one were cubic zirconiums, and one lucky participant was to get a $5,000 diamond. However, when the champagne was...

Pinkie Pie Automaton

Renegadecow is a brilliant craftsman. So far, we've seen his perfect automata versions of Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity and Fluttershy. He's now completed an automaton showing Pinkie Pie.Here is our own Pinkamena D...

Proven by Science: Men with Heavy Stubble are Most Attractive

Why is Thor so attractive? Is it his godlike power or is it just because Chris Hemsworth has a heavy stubble? Science has the answer: A new study shows that facial hair says a lot abo...


A simple pun led to an interactive web toy called KaleidoPope. And it's just what it says: a kaleidoscope consisting of images of various popes through history. Link  -via Laughing Squidkaleidoscope, pope, pun...

How Batman REALLY Begins

It's been 8 years since Batman Begins came out in the movie theaters, so we've forgotten about the story a bit. Good thing the Internet is there to remind us: When being a chi...

Menswear Named After Real Men

You might not recognize this cowboy, but you know who he is. This is John B. Stetson, who went out West and dreamed up a wide-brimmed felt hat in 1865 to improve upon coonskin caps. The hat that later became known as the...

Romanians Ring in the New Year with Bear Suits

Photo: Alecsandra Dragoi University of Portsmouth student Alecsandra Dragoi won the Youth Photographer of the Year award at the 2013 Sony World Photography with this stunning photo ab...

The Charm of Low Budget Special Effects

The realism of special effects in modern movies is unprecedented. With computer imagery and multimillion dollar budgets, they should be! But B-movie buffs appreciate the genius required in creating monsters, spa...

Milky Way Over Crater Lake

Photo: Ben Coffman Photography We've featured many Milky Way photos on Neatorama, but this one is probably the most beautiful: Photographer Ben Coffman took this panorama ov...

Daily Napkins

Nina Levy is a photographer and sculptor, but she draws some awesome things, too -on napkins for her sons' lunches! I would think the boys would use school napkins to actually clean up any mess, because the ones Mom puts...

Sweet Spirits Cookie Stamps

 Sweet Spirit Cookie StampsAre you looking for a fun way to bring your favorite cookie recipe to life? you need the Sweet Spirits Cookie Stamps from the NeatoShop. This fantastic set includes 4 cookie cutter/stamps...

The Root Cause of Men's Shame: Women

Why don't men talk about their feelings? Brené Brown, research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work and author of Daring Greatly: How the Courage t...

Baboon Infestation

[] (YouTube link)The neighbor's house was locked, but a troop of baboons didn't care because they just went in through the upstairs windows. Howard Fyvie and his friends in Betty's Bay, South A...

Little Girls Are Better at Designing Superheroes Than You

In Alex Law's latest project, she takes pictures of little girls in superhero costumes and makes comic book character designs from them, which is a turnabout of the way adults do it: cosplayers recreating comic books as...

Which Is Better? Tabasco Sauce or Sriracha

Sriracha is hip, hot and cool. We've seen it in everything from chocolate to lollipops to bread. But Foodbeast's Dominique Zamora calls us back to the old ways--to the trusted and true--to Tabasco sauce. Dominique calls...

Yes to Love

[] (YouTube link)You might recall Isaac Lamb from the video in which he proposed to Amy with a lip dub last year. In this video, he pays tribute to his family to the tune of "Yes to Love" by St...

Lawn Mower Blade Feather Headdress

We've previously seen Peter McFarlane's circuit board fossils. Another eye-catching work of his is this sculpture, inspired by the feather headdresses worn by some First Nations and assembled from old lawn mower blades.A...

How to Win Friends and Inoculate People

The Navy's new strategy for saving the world. In the U.S. Navy, floating hospital ships are curing the sick and healing the blind. It's all part of the Pentagon's plan for global domination. For...

In Case of a Modern Art Emergency, Break Glass

What is that thing at the gallery? Rick Clise, an American-born artist living in Australia, made this sculpture. He asks:What is art? Is it the concept or the execution of the work? What's more important, the idea or the...

What Happens if the Moon Disappeared Tomorrow?

In Tom Cruise's latest movie Oblivion, the Moon was destroyed by an alien being and that unleashed a series of natural disasters that wrecked the Earth. But what exactly will...

Tattooed Eyelids

This man's eyes are closed in this picture. His eyelids are tattooed with images of eyes. Since he had it done, he's never lost a staring contest. He could sleep through a sermon or lecture and no one would ever know, bu...

Time-M Matryoshka Timer

Time-M Matryoshka TimerMother's Day is coming. This year give Mom the gift of time with the Time-M Matryoshka Timer from the NeatoShop. This adorable 60 minute kitchen timer is shaped like a Russian nesting doll with rem...

Bread Cheese Waffles

You may remember that Nick of DudeFoods used bread cheese--a Finnish cheese that physically resembles bread--to make a grilled cheese sandwich that was 100% cheese. He's continued to experiment with that product, most re...

Is Your Antique Windsor Chair a Fake?

Before you pay a pretty penny for an antique Windsor chair, hear what Maureen Stanton, the author of the book Killer Stuff and Tons of Money, has to say. She told Lisa Hix about a carpenter named Wesley Swanson,...

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