No, Sean Dukelow and colleagues from the University of Calgary weren't calling you names. The Smart-E-Pants is a battery-powered undergarment that has built-in electronic system to flex your buttock muscles to combat bedsores in bedridden patients:
"They recreate the fidgeting movement that a mobile person does naturally, relieving the pressure on bony areas," says Dukelow.
His team tested the underwear on 33 people who were immobile due to stroke, spinal injury or multiple sclerosis. Each volunteer wore the garment for four days a week over two months.
About 85 per cent of participants said that the garment was comfortable, and were able to sleep in them. They also said that they did not interfere with their daily routine.
Although this was not a test for efficacy, none of the participants developed bedsores over the testing period. Not getting bedsores in two months is unusual, says Dukelow, since they usually occur in immobile patients within days.
Link - via Shirtworks - Thanks Dave!