Museum of Energy

If you love big industrial things, this post is for you. Our pal Mike and Juergen of 91 Days went to Istanbul, Turkey, and visited an old power plant that got converted into a museum:

After opening in 1914, the Silahtaraga Power Plant was Istanbul’s sole source of electric power for almost forty years. Today, the former plant has been converted into a cultural center called SintralIstanbul. The original equipment has been refurbished and left in place, and now constitutes the exhibits of the unique Museum of Energy.

The place looks like it belongs in a movie, but Mike and Juergen assured us that not only is it as fascinating as many urban explorations, it's also completely legal to visit.

Take a look at more pics over at 91 Days, then tell me, what the heck is this one below?

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These are Pill Boxs to provide protecxtion in war zones from Arial Bombing.
The Watch officers would dive into these at the last moment to take cover from falling bombs and explosions. There are many like this scattered around Berlin still. Mostly in concrete though. They were a WWII thing.
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