Zero TV

What has happened to telephone landline and CD sales is coming to television. And that has got broadcasters worried.

Ryan Nakashima of the AP wrote about TV broadcasters' biggest worry: the people who have no TV whatsoever (not even antenna ones that get free signals over the air). They dubbed this group "Zero TV"

Some people have had it with TV. They've had enough of the 100-plus channel universe. They don't like timing their lives around network show schedules. They're tired of $100-plus monthly bills.

A growing number of them have stopped paying for cable and satellite TV service, and don't even use an antenna to get free signals over the air. These people are watching shows and movies on the Internet, sometimes via cellphone connections. Last month, the Nielsen Co. started labeling people in this group "Zero TV" households, because they fall outside the traditional definition of a TV home. There are 5 million of these residences in the U.S., up from 2 million in 2007.

Link (Image: Retro TV Mouse Pad)

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I have been a part of the Zero TV demographic for about 10 years. That would be 20 years had I not had a brief stint living with some roommates who insisted on having cable. This doesn't mean I don't watch shows. I stream Netflix and Hulu and you know... have (other means) of getting shows. And before those existed I just bought a lot of show DVD's.
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I've done the Netflix and Hulu and YouTube, etc. thing and ran out of stuff that interested me. I would be happy to pay less for my cable, but I find that it's my one real luxury (as well as high speed internet).

I seldom go to the movie theater (it's been over a year) and I don't do pay per view.
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I cut all the cable in January 2012. The TV I have is a 30" widescreen LCD pre-digital era (but with two component inputs and a DVI input, so DVD/Blu-Ray and Roku to the DVI via HDMI converter cable all work fine) so it doesn't even have a tuner for digital, and I'm not inclined to spent money for one. Netflix, Prime and lucky enough to still have a local video rental store. I can't see why I would go back to television.
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Once you take this path there is no coming back. You won't miss your regularly scheduled network. I've been doing this for at least 5-6 years, only watch TV for social reasons, as weird as that sounds.
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