Coming up next week on NeatoMail is a brand new Choose Your Own Prize giveaway, a really easy contest where you get to choose what prize to get from the NeatoShop. It's open only to NeatoMail subscribers (so if you're not a subscriber, give it a try!) , but but there's a snag: what should it be?
We've run Funny T-Shirt, Star Wars, and Doctor Who Choose Your Own Prize giveaways - what should we do next? Bacon? Cupcake? Zombie?
Here's your chance to suggest what you'd like: Leave a comment and tell us which category you'd like to see in the next Choose Your Own Prize giveaway. If we pick you category, you may very well win a bonus surprise prize just for helping out!
Not a subscriber? Join your fellow Neatoramanauts in on the fun. We won't share your details with third parties and you can unsubscribe at any time.
P.S. It's a double opt-in, just to make sure that you really want to continue to get the newsletter. So please don't forget to confirm your subscription! Thank you!
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