No, it's not a blog about zombies (although that would be cool). Zombie Dead Blog is a tribute to the weirdness of abandoned blogs. Some of the blogs featured haven't been updated for years, and many seem to be started for a particular rant and then forgotten when the author ran out of steam. Here's an entry found on a blog called Why I Hate Sears, which only lived for two months in 2005.
When I first started working at Sears there were 3 pregnant women. Within the last month we have a grand total of 7 pregnant women. I am not even with a guy yet I am a bit nervous about ending up #8. It's like there are sperm floating in the air! If I go to the bathroom are they going to fly in?!
Recently my fear has subsided thanks to pregnant woman #3. She told me quite firmly to stop drinking the Break Room Dr.Pepper.
The curator of the Zombie Dead Blog spends time combing through the muck of dead and forgotten blogs just so we can enjoy gems like this. Link
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