Norwegian Schools Reschedule Exams Because of Justin Bieber Concerts

Some schools in Norway accidentally scheduled their exams to take place during Justin Bieber's upcoming tour of that country. Officials feared that some students might skip out of their exams to attend the singer's concerts. So the school officials took the sensible course of action:

"We find it regrettable, but we preferred to move forward the Norwegian exams to avoid problems," Roar Aasen, the headmaster of an upper secondary school in Aalesund on Norway's west coast, told AFP.

In total, five schools in the town -- more than a seven hours' drive from Oslo -- decided not to hold exams on April 16 and 17 since they coincided with two of Bieber's three gigs in the Norwegian capital.

Link -via Blame It on the Voices

(Photo: jake.auzzie)

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Walking through downtown St Petersburg, Russia, today and see he's coming here, too. You can bet there will be no exams rescheduled here, though. ;)
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