The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein is the best children's book ever, but it's probably been a while since we all read it, so thankfully Dan Piraro of Bizarro reminded us:
It’s a terrific book and one I used to read to my daughters when they were little. It’s all about a tree that loves a little boy so much that it lets him play in her branches. When he is a little older, she gives him her apples to sell for money. Some years later, she gives him her branches and limbs so he can build a house for his family. Once his family is gone and he’s an old man, she gives him her trunk to make into a boat so he can sail away. As he sails out to sea, she intentionally sinks and drowns him for being such a selfish jackass his whole life. In the final scene, the lonely tree stump is chuckling to itself, then blows it’s own brains out.
I may not be remembering that entirely correctly, but you get the point.
Just like the way I remembered it! Link
Comments (5)
The author is plenty weird looking as well.
Second camp here too, BTW. That book always left me perplexed.