The Worm Passenger by wirdou
NeatoMail subscribers got first dibs: Choose your own Funny T-Shirt or Science T-Shirt prize by leaving a comment below. Let us know which T-shirt you'd like to win. You can choose anything in stock from the Funny T-Shirt and Science T-Shirt categories.
Five lucky Neatoramanauts picked at random will win. NeatoMail subscribers get first dibs (and guaranteed 3 winners), before the contest is opened to blog readers.
Contest rules are simple: One entry per person (duplicate entries will forfeit the prize). If you don't have a Neatorama account already, you'd need to register one in order to leave a comment. Only confirmed accounts are eligible to win.
Go ahead, check out the NeatoShop's selection of Funny T-Shirts and Science T-Shirts and pick one that you'd like to win! Good luck!
Update 3/26/13: The giveaway is open to all readers of the blog. Subscribers to NeatoMail get first dibs - so why don't you subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to know about cool contests and giveaways?
Update 3/27/13: Congratulations to the winners - view the announcement here.
Freeeeeeeeeeeedom shirt!
Green xxl
*thank you, alex*
Science Ruined Dinosaurs, XL, Chocolate
Thanks, neatorama! :)
Thanks, you have Wonderful tees, love them all
Ladies Fit XL
So far.....
T Shirt, M, Ash Grey
I find that T-shirt funny because I am learning arrays in comp sci :)
Thank you!
XL (Ladies Fit)