Archive for March 26th, 2013

Wolf Pack in Unison

[] (YouTube link)One wolf starts to howl, and they all must join in. This footage was taken on a visit to Wolf Creek habitat and Rescue in Indiana, when thirty wolves joined together for a howl...

Obituary for a NASCAR Fan

Tim Hopkins of Memphis, Tennessee died last Saturday. His obituary indicates that he's gone home to join legendary race car driver Dale Earnhardt, who died in 2001. Here's the brilliantly written opening sentence of Hopk...

Dragon Eggs for Easter

Jacquie LongLegs is a Games of Thrones fan, so she made her Easter eggs to resemble the dragon eggs seen in the HBO series. You can make them, too! She'll show you how it's done in a short video. Link Game of Th...

Trekkie Birth Announcement

With a little red uniform snapsuit, the tyke is destined to a long engineering career or a brief hitch as a security guard. Victoria Shank's funny birth announcement is styled after both classic Star Trek and *e...

Are You On Fire?

Finally! The perfect flowchart for those who won't stop bugging you when you're busy! Via Cheezburger and Cubicle Botpatience, flowchart...

Panda Wrestling

[] (YouTube link)A mother panda plays with her child exactly the way most human parents do at some time or another. This is Rauhin and her cub Yuhin, who live at the Shirahama Adventure World Z...

Etiquette for New York City

New Yorkers' complaints that tourists walk slowly and block sidewalk traffic is so proverbial that Improv Everywhere painted a traffic lane for them. So keep moving.But that's only one point of etiquette that newcomers s...

Superheroes Salt & Pepper Shakers

Superheroes Salt & Pepper ShakersHave dark forces overrun your kitchen? Bring truth, justice and fun back to your home dining experience with the Superheroes Salt & Pepper Shakers from the NeatoShop. This extraor...

Timeline Of The One Ring

Emil Johansson, who created the Middle-Earth Problem Solving Chart and Lord of the Rings Familiy Tree we featured on Neatorama before, has completed another ambitious project. This t...

No Doctor? No Problem!

The A.V. Club reminds us of 20 chilling and memorable movie and TV scenes in which a person with no medical training performs surgery. It's always a have-to case with no alternative, and though it often ends suspiciously...

Let Children Be Bored to Foster Their Creativity

Idle hands are the devil's playground notwithstanding, some experts now believe that you should let children be bored, so they can develop their innate ability to be creative:...

Dealing with Spring Snow

[] (YouTube link)A father in Kiev, Ukraine, announces his intention to clear the snow from his 7th-floor apartment balcony this past Saturday. His child considers idea hilarious, as the snow is...

Is This Your Camera?

Did you lose your camera while vacationing in Hawaii? Is it this one above? If so, it's your lucky day! Someone found your camera and you can pick it up ... in Taiwan. HawaiiNewsNow is...

Live Bomb Found in Squid

We had suspected that squid are planning to take over the world, and now we have evidence that one of their tactics is suicide bombing. A large squid caught off the shores of Guangdong province in China was discovered to...

Brainteaser: Unusual Paragraph

(Image credit: Flickr user Windell Oskay of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories)This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so plain, you would think nothing...

Rediscovered Pictures from Vietnam

Charlie Haughey was not a trained photographer when he was drafted and sent to Vietnam in 1967. A couple of months into his tour, he was assigned to be a photographer, with these instructions:“You are not a combat...

Zip Tie for Stylish but Lazy

Remember the Neatorama post about tying exotic necktie knots? Well, this is the exactly opposite. Behold the idiot-proof Zip Tie by Josh Jakus of Actual studio: Link - via design-mil...

I'm Savin' Up for a Little Baby

I'm Savin' Up for a Little BabyAre you thinking of starting a family? Having a baby sure is expensive these days. It is estimated that it will cost the average American family upwards of $235,000 to raise a child from 0...

Ostrich Dance

[] (YouTube link)Play a tin whistle tune for an ostrich and he dances to the music. Yeah, you might think it loves you, but maybe we should have that talk about the difference between...

A Bowl of Taipei by Yang Yongliang

A bowl of soup makes everything better. Yang Yongliang (previously on Neatorama) extended that bit of folk wisdom to art with the series A Bowl of Taipei, featuring marvelous Chinese...

To Sea, and Not to See

The following is an article from the Annals of Improbable Research.(Image credit: Flickr user Steve Jurvetson)by Marc AbrahamsWhat does it take to NOT get noticed? A few years ago a biologist named Bill S...

Baby in a Basket

Photographer Masashi Mitsui captured the serenity of a sleeping baby as it is being carried in a basket by a boy (brother?) in Nepal. Do you think your baby can sleep as soundly in a...

Rabbits on the Reel

[] (YouTube link)To get you in the mood for for Easter, here's a supercut of bunny rabbits in cinema. Which is your favorite movie rabbit? John Farrier would no doubt select Watership Down*...

Vertical Landscape by Eiko Ojalas

We've featured Estonian artist Eiko Ojala before on Neatorama, but the man has got a new papercut artwork that you've simply got to see: Link. Gorgeous!...

Lesley A. Jensen's Pop Culture Easter Eggs

Lesley A. Jensen, an artist and "fangirl for life," makes marvelous Easter eggs inspired by movies, cartoons and video games. Over several years, she's perfected her craft, creating a large portfolio of edible art.Link -...

Wolf Man

Photo: Lisi Niesner A lot of men think of themselves as alpha males, but Werner Freund, 79, has got them beat: he's an alpha male amongst wolves. Reuters photographer Lisi Niesner doc...

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