Snake Burns House Down

Call it revenge of the snake. An unnamed woman in Liberty Eylau, Texas, found a snake. For some reason, she decided on a strange and dangerous method for getting rid of it.   

"While cleaning up, she saw snake, threw gasoline on the snake, lit the snake on fire," said Deputy Randall Baggett with the Bowie County Sheriff's Office. "The snake went into the brush pile and the brush pile caught the home on fire."

Despite the efforts of several fire departments that responded to the scene, the flames completely engulfed the home. It is a complete loss. A neighboring home was also damaged on one side.

The fire is still under investigation. Link -via Arbroath

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It's Russian, and an automatic translator gave me the word Zagreb, so I thought it might be from a Russian who traveled to Zagreb, but I can't say for sure. Do you recognize the place?
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That's more correctly referred to as a track-hoe instead of a steam shovel. Incidently, they are a tremendous amount of fun to operate.
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