Archive for March 23rd, 2013

Knitted Fungi

For her project entitled 52 Forms of Fungi, Leigh Martin is knitting realistic fungi. She's making a new one every week. They're very good pieces, especially when left in appropriate settings. You can view more at the li...

Chlorox Tooth Paste

Chlorox Tooth Paste? I had to look it up to see if this was a hoax. I found a 1920 publication with a letter of praise to Nulyne Laboratories followed by an offer to send the toothpaste to any dentist free of charge to u...

Pull-Apart Heart Bread

Chris-Rachael Oseland writes:Gentlemen bakers, you could show up at your vegetarian girlfriend’s house triumphantly holding this and declaring you were successful in the hunt, so tonight you feast.Excellent idea! M...

IRS Apologizes for $60,000 Star Trek Parody

[] (YouTube link)The Internal Revenue Service got chewed out by Congress for wasting taxpayer money on a couple of videos made for a training and leadership conference in 2010. One was a parody...

Finland's Passport is a Flipbook

[](Video Link)Neat! Flip through the pages of a Finnish passport and you'll see a moose walking.-via Daily of the Day flipbooks, Finland, passports...

Step Into The Oceanic Twilight Zone

Step into the Twilight Zone. The disphotic zone of the ocean, that is. The oceanic Twilight Zone, which starts about at 600 feet deep and extends to about 3,300 feet, is called that because only a sma...


There was a time I had to explain to some new bloggers what kind of links to avoid using. One was "lists of unattributed photos with no useful information," otherwise known as clickbait. Darius Kazemi at Tiny Subversi...

Chic Patisserie Scented Macaron Lip Gloss

 Chic Patisserie Scented Macaron Lip GlossCan't get enough of those sweet and colorful meringue-based confections known as the macaron? We at the NeatoShop encourage you to embrace your love affair with this fantast...

Benedict Cumberbatch as Various Pokémon

British actor Benedict Cumberbatch, I am reliably informed, is a hottie. And since the Star Trek and Sherlock actor exists in the same universe as Tumblr, he is inevitably transposed into innumerable me...

Ode to Sleep Deprived Parents and Terrorising Toddlers

[] (YouTube link)The Sydney Symphony held a competition to come up with better lyrics for the opening to Carmina Burana (affectionately known at Neatorama as "O Fortuna"). This is the...

Genetics is Coming To Get Them

Fear not! Redheads aren't going extinct (at least not yet, anyhow), but you should still cower because genetics is coming to get you one way or the other! Via Cheezburger genetics, r...

The CERN Animal Shelter for Computer Mice

Just outside the CERN Computer Centre in Geneva, Switzerland, the world's leading physicists have built a shelter for retired and obsolete mice. It's a win-win situation, as the mice are hardly recyclable and the CERN sc...

"Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Aesthetics of Phallo-Militaristic Justice" and Other Scholarly Articles about 90s TV Shows

I've checked. It's real. And as soon as I've finished writing this post, I'm going to order through interlibrary loan the book containing this article. Peter McLaren and Janet Morris's essay on the Power Rangers' phalloc...

Oddest Book Title of the Year

The Bookseller has announced recipient of the Diagram Prize for the oddest book title of the year. The winner is Goblinproofing One's Chicken Coop.The title won 38% of the public vote, fighting off competition f...

Mohawk Ads

Turning Mohawk into mo' money is as simple as turning yourself into an unmissable billboard of hair. Check out how Mohawk Gaz turned his head into a walking advertising masterpiece:...

Elisabetta the Hard Rock Singer

[] (YouTube link)Little Elisabetta sang an Italian children's song in hard rock style. Then musician Christian Ice (who may or may not be her father -he didn't say) wrote an original song to ac...

Nyan Cat Keyboard

Redditor detweilerTJ has an awesome custom keyboard. I noticed Nyan Cat right away. But then I saw the rest of the keys....The comment thread talks about other keyboards that have side labels or no labels at all--complet...

This Week at Neatorama

March Madness is here, and the NCAA tournament has so far been a bit different: Harvard advances by beating New Mexico, La Salle upset Kansas State, and Florida Gulf Coast beat Georgetown. And last year's champi...

Emergency Inflatable Toast

Emergency Inflatable ToastDon't let another toast emergency make you crumble to pieces. Arm yourself with the Emergency Inflatable Toast from the NeatoShop. This deliciously fun prop is there to save the day.  Be su...

Star Wars March Madness

[] The Star Wars March Madness tournament marches on, so don't you dare skip out. I foresee force choking in your future if you don't participate ... Today's matchup...

Easter Bread Dolls

These adorable treats are Croatian Easter bread dolls. Each is a loaf of braided bread similar to challah and topped with an Easter egg. You can find Tábata's recipe at the link.Link (Translation) -via T...

Who Owns the Riches Beneath the Ocean?

We learn as children that there is no land at the North Pole -it's the Arctic Ocean. But most of the time, it's covered with ice and polar bears. That was once upon a time, because the ice is melting and the Arctic Ocean...

Teleport Manhole Cover

Via imgur I wonder where you'd end up if you stand on top of the teleport manhole cover ...manhole cover, teleport...

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