Sarah and Shauna Dodds, the Grammy-nominated creative duo forming Backstage Designs, found a new purpose for a worn-out piano. Sarah Dodds writes:
2. This lady had outlived her singing career and was on her way to the dump when I rescued her. I would never destroy a piano with a career left in her.
3. There was no way to keep the keys functional and still use it as a desk. We tried. So, the only thing left to play is to flick the strings in the back. I've been warned that I should loosen them a bit to ensure I don't get face/Mac damage, but I have yet to do that. I'm sure the Mac haters love that possibility. ;)
4. The keys are, in fact, the original keys, but they've been set as flush as possible so I could still use the desk without a wobbly keyboard. And we added pull-out drawing boards on each side for when I need a more flush area to sketch.
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