Pro-wrestler Chris "The Masterpiece" Masters is used to fighting in the ring as a villain, but when his uncle called and said that his mom's neighbor had gone crazy inside her house, Chris went into (real) hero mode:
When Chris showed up, the neighbor was shouting through the front door that he would burn the place down if anyone tried to gain entry.
Chris says he tried talking sense into the guy, but he wasn't having it -- so Chris called the cops ... but when they showed up, the neighbor set the house on fire.
Chris jumped into hero mode -- tearing a tree out of the ground and tossing it through a window.
Chris reached through the window and removed his mom from the inferno ... at which point police rushed in and arrested the neighbor on arson charges.
He uprooted a tree WITH HIS BARE HANDS! How nifty is that? Link (Photo: Wikimedia)
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