Cat Celebrates 27th Birthday

A cat named Wadsworth in Bedford, England, may be the oldest documented living cat. Ann Munday adopted Wadsworth from a veterinarian in 1986. For years, he lived in pubs owned by Mrs. Munday.

Now in a house he leads a quieter life and "doesn't really play any more".

Mrs Munday said: "He's like a little old man really, he gets up, goes out, comes in, has his food and then goes back to sleep."

She said she has no idea how he has managed to reach such an age as he had been the "runt of the litter".

"He was very poorly and sick when we got him," she said.

"He was back and forth to the vets in the first few weeks, he was full of infection but with the help of the vets we nursed him back to health."

She said he has had health "ups and downs" over the years and the moggy currently takes pills which cost her about £45 per month but he "is still going".

The veterinary clinic that treated Waddy as a kitten is still in business, and has confirmed his age. The world record for cat longevity was set by a 38-year-old cat in Texas, who died in 2005. Link -via Fark

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