Toy Stories by Gabriele Galimberti: Fantastic Photos of Children from Around the World with Their Prized Possessions


All kids love toys, but how kids from around the world play with them show striking cultural differences and some comforting similarities. In his Toy Stories photo series, Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti spent 18 months photographing children from around the world and their most prized toy possessions.
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It's probably because they have more (material things) to lose. Someone I know works for the ultra-rich, and he said that they're always paranoid that "the help" (housekeepers and handymen) are trying to steal their expensive watches and jewelries. One guy hides his collection of expensive watches under the socks whenever the housekeeper comes to clean. It's sad, but understandable.
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I really like the pic of the little girl with the plastic baseball bats! The expression on her face reads very much "those boys havw nothing on meI can hit it out of the yard."

Agreed, Alan. I've always found those with less to be more giving and willing to help out others.
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"The richest children were more possessive..." Same is true with adults. The more expensive the car, the less likely they'll give a hitchhiker a ride. I've found that to be true in China and in the US. But poor farmers with manure in the back of their beat-up tractor will help a guy out.
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