Company Offers Free Beer to Employees Every Friday

If you work for Advanced Medical, a company in Port Orange, Florida, you probably look forward to Beer Cart Fridays. Once a week, each employee is provided with an ice-cold beer:

Jennifer Fuicelli, the company's chief executive, said while she knows alcohol in the workplace is a contentious issue for some, she wanted to provide an "unorthodox corporate culture" of rewarding employees for their hard work — by allowing them to crack open a cold one, on the company's tab, during work hours. [...]

"We have a very low turnover, and a very high retention rate," she said.

Link -via Dave Barry | Photo: News-Journal/Nigel Cook

Should Alex offer free beer to Neatorama employees on Fridays?

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My company has been doing this for years as well. We've never had an incidents. It's great to just have kick back in the last hour or two of the last day of work and reflect on what you accomplished with your co-worker.
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Pretty standard benefit for high-tech companies out here on the left coast. Me? Whatever time the days work is done, I either serve my employees homemade beer or take them out for a meal. (Costs are kept down by being the only employee.)
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