Stylish New Cafe Is Located in an Old Public Restroom

You can take a sandwich into a public restroom in London, but you normally can't order one there. That's changed, thanks to the owners of a new restaurant called The Attendant. It's built inside an old public restroom and features many of the old furnishings:

Though subterranean, the café is hard to miss as it announces its presence on Foley Street in West London with a dramatic, cast iron, Victorian entrance.

What was formerly a public lavatory underwent an industrial cleaning, but elements of its heritage are preserved, including 19th century Doulton & Co. urinals which remind customers that they're having coffee where other indelicate procedures once took place.

News Story and Official Website -via Weird Universe | Photo: The Attendant

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Granted, eating at a urinal is tacky enough, but what designer in their right mind would pair flimsy, green, plastic barstools with these hulking edifices of 19th century industrial porcelain?

I will leave to others to joke about the convenience of drinking beer in front of a urinal.
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