This Week at Neatorama

The tulips are starting to sprout up through the fallen leaves in my flower garden. I'll wait until the first of March at least to pull the leaf cover off, but just the sight of those little green shoots excites me! Meanwhile, the Academy Awards will finally be given out tomorrow night …after an exceedingly long promotional period in which I learned enough about the nominated films to pretend I actually saw them. The only ones I really saw were the animated shorts, thanks to the internet. And thanks to the internet, I won't have to actually watch the awards show, as the results will be posted as they happen, and I can indulge in my Sunday night ritual of watching The Walking Dead (while still simultaneously surfing the internet, of course). Here's what happened this past week here at Neatorama.

Don't miss our exclusive features! You still have time to catch up on them. The White House: Keeping Up Appearances came from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.

The Annals of Improbable Research gave us Notes From an Expedition to the Cellfoan People.

Alex posted a gallery of Surreal Landscapes by Jim Kazanjian at the Neatorama Spotlight blog.

10 Foods That (Thankfully) Flopped was from mental_floss magazine.

"Madman" Newman's Brainteasers from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader gave us all plenty to argue about.

In this week's What Is It? game, the pictured object is a homemade hammer. Berhard was first in with the correct answer, and wins a t-shirt! The funniest answer came from Algomeysa, who said, "If you're feeling left out because the Russian meteor didn't break your windows, you can alleviate the problem with this!" That deserves a t-shirt from the NeatoShop! See the answers to all this week's mystery items at the What Is It? blog.

You'd expect the most comments to come from the What Is It? game and the Brainteasers, so discounting those, the posts with the most comments this week were Office Depot and OfficeMax to Merge, followed by A Truck Carrying a Truck Carrying a Truck Carrying a Car and STD Frisbee

The comment of the week came from wonky donky, who had a better term for the Truck Carrying a Truck Carrying a Truck Carrying a Car:

This is nothing more than the traditional Polish Thanksgiving stunt they pull every year called, "Truckducken".

The most popular post of the week was the picture collection You Had One Job. That was followed by Hotel Het Arresthuis: Jail Turned Into Luxury Hotel and Clever Students Use Game Theory to Get Perfect Scores on an Exam.

Usability Tip of the Week: Did you know you can embed images and videos in your comments? Look at this.

When you click to open a comment window, look to the upper right. Click on "image," and an upload field will open. Click on "video" and you'll see a field in which you can enter a vimeo or YouTube link. You can switch back and forth from video or image to text, to add an explanation for your image or video. These will work even in replies to other comments, as you can see in the Rollin' Safari comments. Note: newly registered members and those who haven't left many comments may not be able to access this feature. So leave more comments!  

March starts this coming Friday. The NeatoShop doesn't have a dedicated "shop" for St. Patricks Day, but there is a section for St. Patricks day T-shirts, and you can find hats and other accessories as well. Order now so you'll have the cleverest shirt at the party!

And if that isn't enough Neatorama for you, we have extra content and fun at our Facebook page, Twitter feed, Instagram, and Pinterest. And mobile users: Flipboard makes it easy to keep up with Neatorama.

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