Nanocapsule is an Instant Hangover Cure

While we wait for real life synthehol to be created, scientists have come up with a hangover cure that works in an instant:

Researchers have reduced blood alcohol levels in intoxicated mice by injecting them with nanocapsules containing enzymes that are instrumental in alcohol metabolism. The treatment demonstrates a novel drug delivery technology that could have broad medical applications. [...]

The new research, which was described today in Nature Nanotechnology, involves packaging multiple enzymes inside a nanoscale shell. The resulting functional enzyme complex, made of a nontoxic polymer, “almost mimics an organelle,” says Yunfeng Lu, a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at UCLA, who lead the research with Cheng Ji, a professor of biochemical and molecular biology at the University of Southern California. The capsule stabilizes the proteins and protects them against degrading in the body.


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While metabolizing alcohol might increase your sobriety, I doubt that it will do anything for a hangover. At that point most of the alcohol is gone and we are suffering from the physiological aftereffects and breakdown products. Indeed, speeding up alcohol metabolism might speed up the onset of a hangover.

This is a significant treatment delivery system, however. Besides allowing complex molecules to be delivered directly into cells, when coupled with ultrasonic rupturing of the capsules, it can deliver the treatment to specific parts of the body.
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