Photo: Ken Steinhardt/OC Register
We're going to need a giant roll of newspaper to discipline that dog! As part of his exhibit "Ain't Painting a Pain," artist Richard Jackson created a giant 28-foot-high puppy that squirts yellow paint onto the side of the Orange County Museum of Art in Newport Beach, California:
Jackson said he crafted the dog from fiber glass and other composite materials with the help of an engineering company in Santa Ana. It consists of 52 digitally-cut-out pieces that were assembled on site.
Once the shell was placed, Jackson climbed into the dog with a big bucket of yellow paint, which he squirted on to the wall. Now a pump continuously shoots out the paint.
"The way I see it, it's funny," he said. "I understand that Newport Beach has traditionally been a conservative community. But, this is an art museum. This piece of art is making a commentary or statement. The dog is pissing on the museum."
The dog is what Jackson calls a "painting machine," a mechanism that helps create works of art. He has at least a half dozen other painting machines as part of the exhibit, including a herd of deer statues that shoot out paintballs.
Deepa Bharath of the OC Register has the story. Check it out: Link
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