Thrifty Jabba and Leia Costumes

Got a brown comforter? A bikini? You can dress up as Jabba the Hutt and Princess Leia without spending another penny. These unknown but frugal cosplayers are totally convincing. Especially Jabba's face. That's just perfect.

-via Fashionably Geek | Photo: unknown

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UK actor Sylvester McCoy, best known for being one of the Doctors on Doctor Who, did a version of this in his younger days as an act. At least he was getting paid..
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lmao, the ferrets I know run up and around pants legs whenever they get the chance (and don't get shaken out right away), so I can't imagine they'd feel "abused" for quite a while. 5 1/2 hours, though? That might be a bit much.
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