Subtle: Cigar That Ashes Gold

Millionaires may light their cigars with hundred dollar bills, but billionaires prefer to separate themselves from such hoi polloi. That's where the London Cut Black Tie cigar comes in. For $500, you can smoke a (that's one) cigar that has been wrapped in gold foil.

Link -via Born Rich

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Whoa! David Israel bought me a sandwich at Mandalay Bay, and I felt bad because it was $14. And then I felt bad again because I ordered a ham sandwich before realizing that might be offensive.
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Made me wonder how sumptuous his emphysema ward would be, which reminded me of the ground emerald medicine of Lorenzo de Medici, which made me look him up. Turns out he has a death mask that is pretty close in likeness to some of his paintings. I guess the paintings were fairly accurate. I'm always surprised to find an image of a death mask from someone for whom I thought we'd never really know their appearance. You guys should do a post on death masks of historical figures.

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OMFG!! I loved mr.t cereal and also the OJ simpson cereal that tasted like orange juice. wow this is a nice flashback. i was raised in the 80s so yahoooo!
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Whaou ! really impressed...
But one is missing : The Nintendo Cereal System !!
Mario and Zelda characters chaped cereals !
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I used to LOVE Apple Jacks

Like every cereal company, they cut back on sugar and people quit buying them. Just like Coke & Pepsi won't listen to the customers that don't want corn syrup in their soft drink.
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Qwisp and Quake were the same cereal. General Mills introduced them at the same time, and created a rivalry between the two characters - then made kids vote on who would win. Qwisp won.
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