A shoe shop in Exeter, England had a rack of ladies' shoes and children's snow boots splayed on the sidewalk outside the store. Some time Monday night or Tuesday morning, someone stole the entire rack! They won't be able to use or sell the shoes, however, because only one shoe -the right one- of each pair was on the rack.
A spokesperson for Devon and Cornwall Police said, “The stolen footwear will be of little use to anyone without the matching shoe.
“The opportunist thief who stole them probably didn’t realise they were not in pairs. As they are useless, we appeal for them to be returned to the store”
Anyone with information is asked to contact the local Crimestoppers unit. Link -via Ed Yong
(Unrelated image credit: Flickr user Thomas Hawk)
Comments (4)
Or the thief previously lost his right foot...
Or in case of Germany and Denmark: German shoe stores only puts right shoes on the racks, while in neighboring country Denmark the shoe stores put the respective left shoes on the outside rack...
Or you will never know the answer as you are not in the thief's (left) shoes...