MRI and singing don't usually belong in the same sentence, but it made complete sense to British musician Sivu. He has just released his first YouTube music video and boy, oh, boy, what a music video it is.
The three minute-long video clip of Better Man Than He is composed of MRI images of Sivu's head as he sings. Plus, it's got the best lololo since Trololo. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]
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it's totally a bad ass Scotsman.
We still have that cereal package from 1984 with the photo of controversial Miss America turned Superstar - Vanessa Williams
But one is missing : The Nintendo Cereal System !!
Mario and Zelda characters chaped cereals !
Like every cereal company, they cut back on sugar and people quit buying them. Just like Coke & Pepsi won't listen to the customers that don't want corn syrup in their soft drink.