Now this is amazing: the definitive TARDIS dress, made by Sasha Trabane and Andy Coyle. The story goes like this, as told by Jax Adele over at The CraftJAXtic Blog:
My best friend Sasha HATED her prom dress. She had been pushed to go to prom by her friend and after a visit to David's Bridal she ended up with a BLUE dress as her mother suggested instead of a RED dress that she had wanted.
Prom came and went as well as several years before the dress came back up in conversation. I was trying to find a dress for Sasha to use as the base of a victorian steampunk costume and she regaled me with her hatetred of the dress. The dress arrived at my house and then came to live in my husband's closet until the day when Sasha decided she wanted to be a DALEK.
I told Sasha I would help her with whatever she wanted but she did realize the dress was already BLUE, she could just be a TARDIS. Her face lit up.
This was definitely possible. So while starring at the dress and it's original design we realized it had all this extra fabric just crossing over her front. She split the seem and removed the brooch to reveal what would become the inside of the TARDIS. After careful consideration she went with a Police Box choker and a light up tiara to mimic the top of the TARDIS. Windows were constructed from ribbon, felt, and ironing hem tape. The Pull to Open sign was a dark tshirt transfer. The interior was a drop cloth from Home Depot, laundered and washed with a light gold color.
It's a definite winner! Links: Turning Prom Dress into the TARDIS Dress over at CraftJAXtic Blog | The TARDIS Princess Facebook Page
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