Your getaway vehicle must be reliable. That's Crime 101. Unfortunately for these robbers in Colombia, they made a simply asinine choice:
The group had managed to steal rum, oil, rice, cans of tuna and sardines from a small shop in the tiny north Caribbean town of Juan de Acosta, according to Noticias Caracol.
They planned to load the goods onto 10-year-old Xavi, who they had stolen some 12 hours before, and make their escape.
But the animal let out a series of 'hee-haws' and unfortunately for the trio alerted nearby police.
They had to ditch the donkey, which was still carrying the stolen items, and ran to safety away from the officers.
Link -via Glenn Reynolds | Photo (unrelated): geekmoose
Comments (6)
b.t.w. I'm pretty sure they stole it from the "69boyz" song of the same name