Jedi Guinea Pig and Other Great Cavine Heroes

Judge him by his size? By his furriness? This guinea pig, like the others painted by Lesley DeSantis, will defy your expectations.

Link -via Landa Calrissian

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I have two boys. They're my second pair of piggies. These guys are rescues that were born from a female who was found abandoned, pregnant, and outside during a heat wave. I adopted them from a local guinea pig rescue agency. My first pair weren't rescues but still "second hand." I adopted them came from a couple who had to reluctantly downsize their pet expenses. Guinea pigs are awesome pets but require a lot more room and care than most people think. The only real annoyance is that their hay gets everywhere in the house. However, just like any other pet it's all worth it to cuddle and the noises they make when they know their getting their morning veggies (or any other time the fridge opens and the sink runs) don't hurt their image either.
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She's fairly well known in the crazy cavy owner community, of which I can claim membership. (Though, whether it's the pigs who are crazy, or the owners, no one is quite sure!) It's difficult to capture their little faces properly and she does an amazing job. : D
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