Photo: Tepco
He's no Blinky, but Mike the Murasoi is one hot fish! Hot as in radioactive, that is.
As part of its safety plan, Tokyo Electric Power's (Tepco) monitors seafood caught near the Fukushima nuclear plant that experienced a meltdown back in March of 2011:
It was confirmed by Tepco to have amounts of radioactive cesium equal to 254,000 becquerels per kilogram, or 2540 times the limit of 100 becquerels/kg set for seafood by the government.
Scientists in the region are increasingly worried that other fish in the area are feeding off these and other contaminated species.
However, the murasoi specimen caught near Fukushima did not seem to show any major abnormalities in terms of its physical appearance.
Tepco is installing a new series of nets beneath the surface of the water around the 20 kilometer perimeter in hopes of restricting the migration of the contaminated fish outside of the region.
The Daily Mail has more: Link