New Look and Logo for American Airlines: Hot or Not?

So. The perennially beleaguered American Airlines, which has been operating under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection since late 2011, has shown a glimmer of profit in the last quarter of last year. And you know what this means: they're going to spend that money on ch-ch-changes!

That's right: American Airlines is getting a new logo and new looks for its aircrafts. CEO Tom Horton issued this remark below - see if you can decipher what it means:

“Our changes on the outside reflect how we’re evolving on the inside. Our new logo and the refreshed exterior of our planes represent more than a change of symbol, but a symbol of change in our path to modernize and innovate. ”

More than a change of symbol, but a symbol of change. You've got to admit, the man has got ways with words: Link

Hot or Not?

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