
Do you use a Kindle or eReader? Then you probably know that many books are available at no cost, but often they are hard to find or you don't know what you're getting. But now our friends Michael Powell and Jürgen Horn, whom you know from their travel blog For 91 Days, have launched FreebookSifter. It's a daily listing of books that can be downloaded from Amazon free of charge, plus ratings for each book. Here are the top-rated book available today, which may change at any time.

1. Science of Trapping by Elmer Kreps
2. The Arabian Art of Taming and Training Wild and Vicious Horses by John J. Stutzman and P. R. Kincaid
3. Tales of Fishes by Zane Grey
4. Animal Rights Poetry: 25 Inspirational Animal Poems Vol 1 by Jenny Moxham
5. Olaf the Glorious A Story of the Viking Age by Robert Leighton
6. The Compleat Angler by Izaak Walton
7. Operation Terror by Murray Leinster
8. The Runaway Skyscraper by Murray Leinster
9. Amateur Fish Culture by Charles Edward Walker
10. Dogs and All about Them by Robert Leighton

Take a look around, you might need something good to curl up in bed with this weekend! Link

(Image credit: Flickr user Mike Licht)

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