Kerntype is a kerning game.Your mission is simple: achieve pleasant and readable text by distributing the space between letters. Typographers call this activity kerning.And of course, when it's done wrong it's called kem...
Do you use a Kindle or eReader? Then you probably know that many books are available at no cost, but often they are hard to find or you don't know what you're getting. But now our friends Michael Powell and Jürgen H...
Mister Whiskers is a big fan of Easter, and an even bigger fan of the Easter Bunny, so this year he's decided to get a head start on the egg-ceptional holiday by dressing up in bunny ears while he waits for his sugary tr...
Stop for a bathroom break? A musician on tour doesn't have time. Marc Potter, maker of custom stringed instruments, found an additional use for a old bedpan. He says that it has a "crisp and metallic resonant old-time so...