Absinthe Cookie

Photo: A Fine Kettle of Ish

What may look like a typical mint cookie, is really a diabolical and possibly hallucinogenic absinthe cookie. Who wants one? Absinth has steadily been gaining traction as a popular drink since the beginning of the 1990s. It was originally banned from the US and many parts of Europe in 1915, somewhat rashly in retrospect. The claims of any real psychoactive properties have largely been exaggerated, and the drink is no more dangerous than any ordinary spirit.

The fine people over at A Fine Kettle of Ish have the perfect recipe to fill you craving for the mysterious liquid covered cookie. You don't even need that much to make it, just some standard cookie making ingredients, some high quality absinthe, and food coloring. Apparently it also goes very well with strong coffee.

Photo: A Fine Kettle of Ish

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Newest 2 Comments

eeeeeeewww Lucid...... one of the worst absinthe varieties I've tasted. I wouldn't waste ANY descent absinthe on making a baked good. An actual good one will cost you about 55Euro (and up.) if you're shipping it to the States add around 40Euro, your final price is about $126. I'd much rather drink it, thanks.
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