Larry Page's 1998 Business Card and One Expensive Mistake

Photo: Zestyping

It's 1998 and Larry Page hands you a flimsy business card printed on a home printer that reads Google! He tells you "we're hiring," and what do you do? You decide to go to graduate school instead. At least that is how the story goes according to Redditor Zestyping.

A post asked "What's the most expensive mistake you've made at work?" Well this certainly puts things in perspective, most people put down they broke expensive lab equipment or a break room refrigerator.

So let me ask this question to our Neatoramanauts, what's the most expensive mistake you've made at work? I'll start. I broke a computer once, accidently pushed it right off my desk onto the concrete floor, smashing it pretty spectacularly. Hey, at least I didn't turn down a job offer from Google.

Link | Via Blame It On The Voices

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How do we know this guy wouldn't have done a terrible job at Google - so terrible that the young company never got off the ground?

Maybe hiring this guy almost became Larry Page's most expensive mistake??
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