Evan Saves Allowance, Donates to Cats

When Evan was only seven, he saved up his allowance for a year to donate to City Kitties, a rescue shelter in Philadelphia. He did the same thing every year since, each time saving a more money, until he was proud to donate $110 in 2012. Along the way, Evan got more joy from the donations, and the two cats his family got from the shelter, than from all the candy that money could have bought. Read his story, and the letters he wrote to the shelter, at Buzzfeed. Link

(Image credit: City Kitties)

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the last two years, instead of presents, my (now 8 year old) daughter asked her friends to make donations of food, toys, money to a local cat shelter that does both trap/neuter/release and adoptions (we got our 3 cats from there).
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