If you're still off work for the holidays and need to kill some time, the web toy Touch Effects may just eat up more of your day than you thought possible! Once you get tired of just dragging the colors around, you can a...
These magnificently preserved socks date back to Roman Egypt, c. 250-420 A.D. Are they designed for two-toed people? Not quite:The big toe divided from the others suggest that the socks were probably meant to be worn wit...
[http://youtu.be/BMgmxkZ0pWI] (YouTube link)There sure have been a lot of movies about space travelers! This supercut by Keith Melton pays tribute to the space helmet in cinema, but the real fun is seeing how many movies...
<!--gallery(1)-->Jessica Nevin says she is fairly new to crochet, and has just made her very first amigurumi figures for a friend's birthday. Her chosen subjects? Popular 2012 memes! No doubt you recognize singer P...
What do wanna bet these two met at work? A biologist wanted to propose to his girlfriend, who is also a biologist. He asked her to image his electrophoresis gel, (wink wink) if you know what I mean.But it was a special m...