The folks behind Craigslist are no strangers to weirdness, and each year they gather up the most memorable posts as part of their Best of Craigslist, many of which are chosen by readers via flagging.
2012 was a year of dire prophecy, presidential election and some totally kooky Craigslist posts, like this listing for the Morrissey shrine pictured above:
My unemployment benefits ran out and I have to downsize, so I won't be able to take the shrine with me. No more reeling around the fountain, indeed. Comes from a home where smoking was previously allowed and 2 cats lived but they both died this summer. And I might as well tell you that I had to exchange all the stuff my ex-fiancee and I had at each other's places this morning, since he ended our relationship just as things were looking most grim for me, so I might be sobbing when you come by.
Link --via Ars Technica
A Pox on your house, Craig.
I need a mad scientist to clone a dog. It is the best dog in the universe and there should be 2 or more if it in existence. I have 60 dollars. Thank you. NO FLAKES
$50 Bonus if you can make it speak English and Japanese.