Jib Jab's annual year-end wrap-up is one for the records, just like 2012 was.
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I enjoyed the show. Sure, some of the FX were cheesy, but some were downright creepy. One episode about astronauts on Mars and a killer creature that live under the sand had some scary moments.
The first (and only) time I ever ran away from home was on September 16, 1963. I was four years old. The reason I know the date is because of the reason. Mom went to the store, Dad fell asleep, and the TV started showing "The Galaxy Being." I was so terrified that I grabbed my favorite stuffed animal and left. A neighbor spotted me a block or so away and walked me back home. My parents then taught me how to change the TV channel, or turn the whole thing off.
I don't remember what show it was - may have been Outer Limits - but there was a guy who would grab every cat he saw and say some indecipherable phrase to it. It turned out he was part of an invasion force that came from a planet run by cats, and he was looking for his commanding officer. He kept saying (when slowed down), "C. O. This is Private R-T-N-T-N-D-O" It's been driving me nuts trying to find it.
The episode of the man who talked to the cat was called "Soldier" and was also written by Harlen Ellison. It was about a soldier from the future who accidentally gets sent back in time. An enemy soldier from his own time also gets sent back to track him down and kill him. In the future cats are used for reconnaissance so he tries to talk to them. The best episode was another written my Ellison called "Demon with a Glass Hand." Robert Culp wakes up in a strange building being pursued by aliens. He can't remember who he is or how he got there. His hand is made of glass and missing most of his fingers. The hand tells him that if he can capture the missing fingers from the aliens it can tell him who he is. In the end he turns out to be a robot sent from the future, carrying the human race encoded inside him, to escape the future earth intentionally polluted to destroy the invading aliens. If these sound familiar its because years later Ellison successfully sued James Cameron for using similar ideas in Terminator. This was a truly great television series.
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um... I think that would have been WWIII...