Archive for December 24th, 2012

Kid Takes The Idea Of "Letters To Santa" Literally

A first grader in Redditor dalekmania's elementary school class either took the idea of writing letters to Santa literally, or came up with the clever notion that asking for every letter of the alphabet thrice would guar...

Deadpool and Boba Fett Do Christmas

[] (YouTube link)Even geek icons celebrate Christmas! Here's your sincere greeting from Boba Fett and Deadpool, shown spreading cheer through the streets of London. -Thanks, Nick Acott!*/em...

But What I Really Want...

Photo: Hi, I'm Liz Merry Christmas to all, and to all an ipad mini with wifi. That's how it goes right? As you get older the things you want during the holiday season change. Sometimes th...

Operation Christmas Drop

[] (YouTube link)The people of Micronesia live on small, isolated islands, with little traffic and few modern amenities. The U.S. Air Force has delivered Christmas through Operation Christmas D...

25 Best Not-So Christmas Ads

Christmas oriented advertising has gone from traditional and conservative to wild and crazy over the years, and we wouldn't have it any other way!Here's a collection of not-so traditional Christmas ads to fill your holid...

The Trophies We Really Want

The brother of redditor patchorang ordered some trophies for himself. He had the plates enraged with more realistic descriptions for the figures. You want to wrestle this dude? Come get some.You can view the rest at the...

Prickly Pete Rescued from Cactus

The Arizona Humane Society sent its emergency team to respond to a report of a cat stuck in a cactus in north Phoenix. They found the cat had escaped the cactus, but took parts of it with him as he became stuck in a fenc...

Game of Cakes

Winter is coming to the cake world with this amazing Game of Thrones cake created for the last season's wrap party by Contemporary Cakes.Linkcakes, food, game of thrones, winter, tv, shows...

Music From Space

Canadian astronaut Colonel Chris Hadfield is spending his Christmas holiday aboard the ISS. He recorded the original Christmas song "Jewel in the Night" at the space station yesterday and uploaded it to SoundCloud. Link...

Iron Man Marriage Proposal

[youtube 7_rNg1WmcIo](Video Link)Eddie Zarich offered his heart to his girlfriend. It's carefully protected from shrapnel with this homemade arc reactor. The motorized gadget opens to reveal an engagement ring. How...

A Field Guide To Christmas

For those of you who are confused by the symbols of Christmas we present this Holiday Field Guide.It should clear up any questions you have, or it may leave you with even more questions, like "why do they insist on tortu...

The 25 Greatest Christmas Treats for Chocolate Lovers

Just clicking on the link will send your blood sugar level soaring. Foodbeast rounded up 25 Christmas-themed chocolate concoctions. My favorite is Erica's strawberry Christmas brownie bites. She made them with pipeable f...

The 12 Memes of Christmas!

[] (YouTube link)Mashable brings us an internet carol, featuring lots of internet memes and appearances by some original meme characters, such as Scumbag Steve, Chuck Testa, and Tardar Sauce. S...

It's Not Wise to Upset A Wookie With An Empty Stocking

Better remember to fill this stocking all the way up on Christmas Eve because wookies aren't exactly happy when their stockings are left empty. On the upside, there's nothing like a giant, appreciative wookie hug on Chri...

Christmas Superfans And Their Amazing Homes

Most people are content with putting up some lights and maybe a decoration or two in honor of Christmas, but not the superfans in this gallery of photos by Jesse Rieser entitled Christmas In America: Happy Birthday J...

Merry Christmas Little Dexter

(Video Link)This little guy knows exactly where to run on Christmas morning -right to the presents filled with treats!treats, christmas, holidays, dogs, videos, pets, cute...

Spaceship Bed

Jeremiah Gorman built his son Finn a spaceship for the fifth birthday! Surplus electronics from a TV station became the cockpit controls, set under his bunk bed with proper lighting that looks like stars. See pictures of...

Watch These Cuties Grow Up

Neatorama readers The Campanelli Family started taking pictures of their puppies in front of the fireplace in 2006. When the twins were born in 2008, they were added right into the mix and the resulting yearly costumed p...

The Legend of Multi-screen Zelda

[](Youtube Link)Link breaks out of bounds! Of course, YouTube commenters got wrapped up in arguing about Apple products, since all the objects Link travels through belongs to Apple, but that do...

Eggnog Marshmallows

Like the flavor of eggnog but wish it wasn't so heavy? Then try making your own tasty eggnog marshmallows. Of course, if you follow this tasty recipe based on traditioinal eggnog, make sure you don't share with any young...

A More Advanced Useless Machine

[] (YouTube link)You've seen the world's most useless machine (previously), but now it's new and improved! The openly thing a useless machine does is turn itself off. However, this one goes the...

A Baby Orangutan And Her Proud Mother

Proud simian mother Rosa is happy with all the attention her baby Sayang is getting at the Frankfurt Zoo, and she wants to let her cute little critter shine for all to see.Sayang, on the other hand, is still a bit shy ab...

Funky Fungal Holiday

In the mycology lab at the J. Craig Venter Institute, Stephanie Mounaud and her fellow fungus folk put a little bit of holiday spirit in their work. This Christmas tree is made of different kinds of growing fungus!Fungal...

StarCraft Animated Christmas Special

(YouTube Link)Carbot Animations is putting the Zerg under your tree with a StarCraft themed holiday tale subtitled How The Zealot Stole Christmas.Remember to protect your resources and station your t...

Earliest Christmas Audio Recordings Yet

The Cromwell Wall family of England had a wax cylinder phonograph on which they recorded family events, including Christmas celebrations, from 1902 to 1917. The Museum of London obtained the cylinders in 2008, and now th...

Things You Don't Know About Christmas Carols

You’ve probably heard them over and over throughout the last month, and might even be dying for them to finally disappear again, but what do you actually know about Christmas songs other than the lyrics? Here are s...

Rolling in the Deep on Handbells

[] (YouTube link)Talk about teamwork! This is a high school handbell ensemble performing Adele's "Rolling in the Deep. -via Uproxxhandbells, Adele, Rolling in the Deep...

Animated Christmas Greetings 2012

[](Vimeo Link) (YouTube Link)Here's an assortment of Christmas greetings from animators all over the world, silly little animated Christmas cards to make your spirits bright and warm y...

Too Much Christmas Cheer!

Will somebody please call a cab for this little drunken doggie, she got into the eggnog a few hours ago and hasn't been the same since!At least she has her fancy Christmas dress on, so she'll retain a bit of her dignity...

Art School Promotional Posters

Think about art school and you can almost smell formaldehyde in your nostrils. The ad agency worked with that olfactory trigger by creating three posters for the MASP Art School in São Paulo, Brazil. They sho...


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