Sometimes we cannot sit idly by and wait for the world to package up and offer us yet another bacon-related product. People, sometimes it is up to us, the interweb nation, to get up from our WoW marathon, hit the kitchen and get makin' with the bacon...jam.
According to the article, bacon jam is "akin to mayonnaise" in so much as it is not just a full on lard fest. The Patch provides a full recipe for you to test drive and why not? Don't we owe to ourselves in this season of giving to give the gift of bacon? In jam form?
According to the article, bacon jam is "akin to mayonnaise" in so much as it is not just a full on lard fest. The Patch provides a full recipe for you to test drive and why not? Don't we owe to ourselves in this season of giving to give the gift of bacon? In jam form?
– via Susan C. Schena
We dish up more neat food posts at the Neatolicious blog
President's Choice brand has a bacon marmalade......
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