Archive for December 19th, 2012

For Sale on eBay: Play Dungeons & Dragons with 8 Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors

Here's a clever apporach to charity fundraising. A convention in Detroit next January is offering the chance to play Dungeons & Dragons with eight accomplished authors:Join eight other fantasy authors in a c...

The Dark Side of Saturn

The Cassini spacecraft took this picture of Saturn from the planet's backside in October. NASA has only now released its awesomeness on the public.On Oct. 17, 2012, during its 174th orbit around the gas giant, Cassini wa...

Merry Christmas, And I Hope You Choke on It

Redditor starsspinningdizzy explains:For years, my dad put a pizza pan on his Christmas list, and I refused to get it because it was too boring of a gift. This year, I finally broke down and got him one. And I got it eng...

The 50 Greatest Internet Memes of 2012

Ranker pulled in extra help to sift through the memes of 2012 and put them in order for the convenience of anyone who wants to relive them. It wasn't easy!I think I'm just gonna be frank here: I am, right now, insane. I...

Greatest, Fanciest Ever Free Kick Goal

[youtube yQ8pJUC7oLU](Video Link)The move is called the spinning backheel lob. Never heard of it? That's probably because Brazilian soccer player Falcão just invented it. If you want to duplicate his fea...

Bed In Breakfast

Photo: Nothing To Do With Arbroath There are appropriate places for me to nap, then there are places I would let a puppy nap. The two lists, believe it or not, are comprised of completely differen...

Star Wars Folded Flyers

 Star Wars Folded Flyers Are ordinary paper airplanes not sophisticated enough for your young jedi? You need the Star Wars Folded Flyers from the NeatoShop. This great book includes 30 paper starfighters in 6 d...

Roquefort Cheese: It's the Fondue of Youth!

At 85.3 years, French women enjoy the longest life expectancy in Europe. Why? Perhaps it's because of Roquefort cheese, which apparently has anti-inflammatory properties: The properties of the blue cheese, which is aged...

DIY Death Star Tree Topper

Photo: Offbeat Home Are you a DIY nut, a Star Wars lover, and of the Christmas persuasion? Then you will love this DIY Death Star Holiday Tree Topper. Honestly after reading the instructions, it's...

The Bacon Weave Breakfast Burrito

If you want a breakfast burrito and you don't have a tortilla, what do you do? Drive to a fast food restaurant! But even better, weave a tortilla out of some tasty bacon and wrap your breakfast in that! The guys at DudeF...

Obama Plays with Spider-kid

Photo: Pete Souza / White House Finally, something involving Spider-man that is actually amazing. Thanks to the White House Flickr page we get this gem. The picture was takin in the Outer...

Can You Speak Venusian?

[] (YouTube link)Recently deceased British astronomer Sir Patrick Moore, here sporting a serious case of bedhead, speaks to a man who claims to speak languages of other planets. The film is fro...

Small Enhancements to Reality

OX, a street artist in Paris, paints signs so that when they're photographed from the right angle, they interact with the world. Here are some of his most recent alterations to Paris and Troyes.Artist's Website (Translat...

A Short Course on the Mayan Calendar and the Apocalypse

Dr. Phil Plait wrote a book called Death From The Skies, in which he details the many ways the Earth could be destroyed by astronomical events. But even he isn't worried about the world ending anytime soon, beca...

Walking Dead Christmas Special

(YouTube Link)Jason Inman wrote and directed this fan-made Walking Dead Christmas special because he didn't feel like waiting until 2013 for more of his favorite shambling zombie show.It's a slick looking pro...

My Little Care Bears

Mad scientist Samantha Claridge combined two major forces of the 1980s, My Little Pony and the Care Bears, into these monstrously cute custom toys. They need just a touch of Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake.LinkMy...

Military Experiments on Fruitcake

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research.(Image credit: Flickr user Mark Giles)(Part 1: 1981)During the 1970s and 1980s the US military conducted a series of tests on fruitcake, the long-lasting...

App-ocalypse: Essential End of The World Apps

As we rapidly approach the end of the Mayan calendar, iMeet has provided us with a user friendly guide for the apps which may be the difference between life and zombie-fueled death. (Personal comment: Do you really thin...

12 Proposed Disney Attractions That Were Never Completed

Did you know the original Tower of Terror was supposed to involve Mel Brooks? Or that Disneyland almost had an Edison Square? Throughout the years, imagineers had plenty of ideas that never transpired and Mental Floss ha...

The Scientific Reason Why Reindeer Have Red Noses

We've all heard the story of Rudolph, the reindeer that saved Christmas because of his bright red nose. But while a nose that shines like a beacon through the fog may be the stuff of fantasy, Rudolph is far from the only...

Let the Force Be With Your Golf Clubs

Star Wars and golfing: they simply go hand in hand. It's now possible to choose from likenesses of Darth Vader, Chewbacca, Yoda, a Storm Trooper or R2D2 as a covers to protect your golf clubs. Now all that's needed is a...

Start Your Morning Off Right With Ice Cream

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but if you just aren't content with the calories and cholesterol in bacon and eggs, then perhaps you should try adding some cream and sugar to turn the mixture into ice cr...

Abandoned Ohio Poorhouse

The public poorhouses that you read about in Dickens novels are gone, having been replaced with welfare hotels, housing projects, and homeless shelters. The Knox County Poorhouse in Ohio was once such an institution.Cons...

Which Wes Anderson Character Are You?

Teen playwright/hopeless romantic Max Fischer? Washed up oceanographer Steve Zissou? Child runaway Suzy Shakusky? Family bird Mordecai? Find out which Wes Anderson character defines you as a person. (Awesome 60's inspire...

Portrait Hand Drawn With Over 2 Million Dots

Artist Miguel Endara turned 2.1 million carefully placed dots into a portrait of Benjaman Kyle, a man who suffers from dissociative amnesia and desperately needs someone who knows him to help him put together the pieces...

Fossils of the Earliest Dinosaur

A fossil uncovered in Africa over 70 years ago has led to modern researchers identifying what was likely the earliest dinosaur, Nyasasaurus parringtoni. In the 1930s, Rex Carringon, a fossil hunter from Cambridg...

10 of the Weirdest and Grossest Vodka Flavors Ever

That's not a photoshop image, there really is smoked salmon vodka -and that's not the only bizarre and gross flavor out there, there are also varieties in pickle, lemongrass and waffles as well.Linkvodka, gross, alcohol,...

5 Life-Saving Techniques for Surviving a Garden Gnome Attack During the Holidays

The following is an excerpt from How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack: Defend Yourself When the Lawn Warriors Strike (and They Will) by Chuck Sambuchino. We're giving away...

Golden Eagle Snatches Child

[] (YouTube link)Imagine you're just chillin' out, getting some video of a soaring golden eagle over Mount Royal Park in Montreal. Then the eagle swoops down for its prey -a toddler at the park...

The Inuit Sport of Ear Pulling

Occasionally there are interpersonal disputes here at the Neatorama office. This is how we resolve them. It's also the Inuit sport of ear pulling:Ear pulling is a traditional Inuit game in which competitors sit with thei...


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