But only because I had not yet been born. According to the 19 September 1921 issue of the Minneapolis Tribune, a prestigious panel of experts judged French actor André Brulé the greatest kisser in the world:
According to the jury, Brulé's perfect kiss was according to the following procedure. He took careful aim, and then with his right arm waistward and his left foot used as a pivot, swung suddenly, implanting the kiss exactly in the middle of the mouth. The advantage of this method, which, it is declared, requires long practice, is that the girl has no time to escape.
Berenger's style consists in seizing the chin softly but firmly in the left hand, while the right hand behind the neck insinuates the head forward.
The jury styled the American kisses as “flaccid,” the Russian “eruptive,” the Italian “burning,” the English “tepid,” the Spanish “vampirish” and the French “chaste.”