If there's one problem with modern life, it's that it's just too hard to keep in touch with people. For example, if you want to read text messages from someone, you have to look at your phone.
But what if that problem went away? What if text messages sent to you popped directly in front of you through your contact lenses? That's the near future imagined by researchers at Ghent University. They've devised a curved LCD screen that can receive data wirelessly:
"This is not science fiction," said Jelle De Smet, the chief researcher on the project, who believes commercial applications for the lenses will be available within five years.
"This will never replace the cinema screen for films. But for specific applications it may be interesting to show images such as road directions or projecting text messages from our smart phones straight to our eye."
The innovation is the first step towards "fully pixelated contact lens displays" with the same detail as a television screen.
You can watch a video of their prototype at the link.
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