Henry Hargreaves is the artist who brought us Deep Fried Gadgets. His latest series of works is called Game Over.Taking games from my childhood I wanted to strip away the color making the games themselves useless but dra...
The Best in Show website invites you to knit your own dog, or "stitch your bitch." There are patterns available for many different breeds (only hounds are shown here), a gallery of submissions, and an ongoing competition...
Photo: Sograph
The Berlin wall came down in 1989, for Bulgarians that meant finally escaping the clutches of Communism. In Sofia, that capital city, things were a challenge with high rent prices...
"To me, the beauty, courage, grace and movement of a horse are like living, breathing poetry." So writes Indonesian scultor Abdul Ghofur about his love for the horse on display in this driftwood sculpture of a mare and f...
Artist Stephan Brusche of Rotterdam composes playful drawings on bananas and posts them on Instagram. He calls them "bananastagrams." I love this giraffe that can reach the highest tree branches.Link | Artist's Websiteba...