Archive for December 4th, 2012

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Corn Dog

You can always count on Jill of Kitchen Fun with My Three Sons to create food crafts for every holiday. This is her latest marvel: reindeer corn dogs. To make them, you'll need corn dogs, ketchup, pretzel twists, raisins...

Game Over

Henry Hargreaves is the artist who brought us Deep Fried Gadgets. His latest series of works is called Game Over.Taking games from my childhood I wanted to strip away the color making the games themselves useless but dra...

Woman Robs Bank, Brags about It in Remarkably Well-Edited YouTube Video

I am not surprised that a 19-year old girl would rob a bank. Nor am I really surprised that she would brag about it online. What amazes me is that she did so in a video that clearly took some effort to produce. And the c...

Stuffed Animals Worn Out By Decades Of Love

Kids see stuffed animals as more than just toys- they're a fuzzy best friend, confidante and a great snuggle buddy come bed time.But what do these stuffed critters look like after years of being loved? Photographer Mark...

Zombie Santa Claus Christmas Ornament

Zombie Santa Claus Christmas OrnamentAre you dead tired of all those boring and traditional Christmas tree ornaments? Add a little life to your tree with the Zombie Santa Claus Christmas Ornament from the NeatoShop. This...

Puppies in a Ball Pit

[youtube q6JJE011Cq0](Video Link)Seven English Springer Spaniel puppies are luxuriating in a ball pit. Enjoy it while it lasts, pups. After you reach a certain age, people will look at you funny if you climb into th...

Knit Your Own Dog

The Best in Show website invites you to knit your own dog, or "stitch your bitch." There are patterns available for many different breeds (only hounds are shown here), a gallery of submissions, and an ongoing competition...

Dante Wishes You a Merry Christmas

[] (YouTube link)Dante the African grey parrot learned a special song for the season! -Thanks, Glen!parrot, Christmas...

Klek Shops

Photo: Sograph The Berlin wall came down in 1989, for Bulgarians that meant finally escaping the clutches of Communism. In Sofia, that capital city, things were a challenge with high rent prices...

Space Whale

Space Whale, by Reza Farazmand at Poorly Drawn Lines. Link -via Tastefully Offensivespace, whale, Poorly Drawn Lines...

Gingerbread Lincoln

Photo: Baked Ideas What is more quintessentially American than a 3-foot-tall Abraham Lincoln Gingerbread Statue? It's completely edible and made with rice krispie treats, chocolate, fondant, roy...

Scary Snowman Prank

(YouTube Link)Prankster Rich Ferguson is getting in the holiday spirit by dressing like a fluffy snowman and scaring the jingle bells outta people.The store owners must hate that Rich is scaring off all the c...

Season of Indulgence

We all know the Holiday season is a time for indulgence. Who can say no to a candy cane, let alone a Jumbo Bacon Candy Cane? No one - that's who. I know that sounded like a rhetorical question but it wasn't. I lo...

Voyager 1 Encounters New "Magnetic Highway"

The Voyager I space probe, launched in 1977, continues to transmit data as it approaches the edge of the solar system. NASA announced yesterday that it appears Voyager has entered a new region of space, which may be the...

Tea, Coffee, Juice, and Art

Photo: Angela Mercedes Donna Otto From splotches of tea, coffee, and juice, Angela Mercedes Donna Otto was able to create these astounding works. The beauty in a lot of art comes from the na&ium...

Rilakkuma Pen Holding Plush

Rilakkuma Pen Holding Plush - $6.95Attention Rilakkuma fans. Are you looking for a fun way to organize your pens and pencils so that you may achieve a more relaxing life? You need the Rilakkuma Pen Holding Plush from the...

Jean-Luc, I Am Your Father

So this is what happens when two sci-fi universes collide. Jean-Luc (or is it Jean-Luke? That can't be a coincidence!) discovered that the truth hurts more than being stabbed in the heart by a...

Driftwood Horses

"To me, the beauty, courage, grace and movement of a horse are like living, breathing poetry." So writes Indonesian scultor Abdul Ghofur about his love for the horse on display in this driftwood sculpture of a mare and f...

The 10 Most Bizarre Cat Breeds on Earth

Did you know that the sphinx is just one of several hairless cat breeds? There are four, count 'em, four  hairless breeds in this list of ten from Environmental Graffiti. Shown here is the Elf cat, a new breed creat...

Disturbingly Cool Mask Sculptures

Swedish artist Axel Torvenius sculptures are like fragments of a nightmare, masks which show faces in the midst of transformation and other dark works which explore bodily deconstruction and mortality.They're hauntingly...

Grocer Shares His Success

After 46 years building his grocery store into a successful three-store chain, 70-year-old Joe Lueken of Bemidji, Minnesota is ready to retire. What to do with the stores? He could have sold them, but he already had plen...

Banana Drawings

Artist Stephan Brusche of Rotterdam composes playful drawings on bananas and posts them on Instagram. He calls them "bananastagrams." I love this giraffe that can reach the highest tree branches.Link | Artist's Websiteba...

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Parody

[](YouTube link)A gang of dwarvestake Bilbo out for a night on the town before his epic adventure. Yes, even Gandalf is there! They are partying to the tune of "Shots" by LFMAO. -via Viral Vira...

The Power of the Cherry Cordial Compels You

Not only does this cherry cordial chocolate look awesome all concealed like a Death Star, it also looks delicious, being as how it is filled with not one, but three cherries!Link Via Geeks Are Sexycherries, chocolate, st...

A Royal Spotlight on a Rare Condition

Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, is pregnant with a child who will be in a direct line to inherit the throne of England. The news is not all good, as the Duchess has been hospitalized for treatment of hyperemesi...

Elf Cross Stitch

In one shattering moment during Elf, Buddy realizes that "Santa Claus" is a fake. Naturally, he does battle to defeat this imposter, a scene well-remembered by the crafters at Steotch.LinkSanta Claus, Elf, cross...

Jumbo Bacon Candy Cane

Jumbo Bacon Candy Cane - $4.95The holiday season is here and we know you are craving peppermint bacon, bacon, and more bacon. When are a regular sized bacon candy cane just isn't enough you need the Jumbo Bacon Candy Can...

Every Movie From 2012: The Supercut

[] (YouTube link)Sleepy Skunk edited together clips from the movies of 2012 into one supercut. How many of them did you see? Since he used the trailers, even those to be released in December ar...

The Real Life Totoro Cat Bus

My Neighbor Totoro is a pretty surreal movie, but you probably didn't know is that it is actually based on a real creature, which can be seen above. Personally, I think Yun Yun is even cuter than the one in the...

"Imagine": John Lennon's Signature Song

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website.Many great composers, like many great actors and many great painters, have a signature...


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