8 Banned Children's Toys From Yesteryear

From the look of the banned toys on this list kids used to have much more to worry about then windowless vans and strangers with candy.

Home atomic energy kits, Derringer belt buckles that really burned, and giant darts you tossed in the air and hoped didn't put somebody's eye out, now those are some really good reasons to keep an eye on your kids during playtime!

Bucky Balls, on the other hand, really don't belong on this list, but some people ruin the fun for everyone...


See more about baby and kids at NeatoBambino

Ridiculous that something like Bucky Balls would have to be on the list considering that they're not meant for small children to begin with. But people are idiots so... whatever.
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I had a great 50s era chemistry set when I was around 10. I only almost burned the house down a couple of times but had a great time with it. It actually had the components for gunpowder built right in...
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