Archive for December 2nd, 2012

True Blood Fangtasia Travel Mug

True Blood Fangtasia Travel Mug - $14.95Attention True Blood fans! Are you looking for the perfect vessel to hold your favorite warm beverage? You need the True Blood Fangtasia Travel Mug from the NeatoShop. This great t...

Wood and Leather Flashlight

Gad Scott Tal's lovely flashlight is made from reclaimed wood polished with organic beeswax and held together with leather and brass pieces. It's beautiful, but, Tal argues, also practical:  Initially, it might...

Everybody Comes to Rick's

Rick's Cafe Americain in Casablanca was an exciting place to hang out, There was one problem: it was fictional. But the 1942 film Casablanca made it in real in the minds of fans, including Kathy Kriger. Kriger w...

Man Pulls Truck with His Ear

[youtube Wu3luOnfUMU](Video Link)And who can blame him? The last time I needed a tow, I had to pay $70! It's outrageous. But Lasha Pataraya, a strongman from the nation of Georgia, was towing the truck attached...

Is Zero an Even Number?

Is there any question that zero is an even number? It came up after hurricane Sandy, when New York mayor Michael Bloomberg announced gas restrictions. He used the words "Those with license plates ending in an even number...

Bacon Jello

The ingenious canida, inventor of the mutant baby costume, slasher ice cream cake mask, and taxidermied computer mouse, has a great treat for the holidays. Canida shaped bacon-flavored jello into a realistic slab of baco...

Dubstep Christmas Lights

[] (YouTube link)Some will argue over whether "Cinema" by Benny Benassi and "Bangarang" by Skillex are technically dubstep, but that's what the video is titled. The fun starts at 1:55. The hous...

Uhura Pony

EllisPONY's Lt. Nyota Uhura is perfect: high boots, 60s-era minidress, big earrings and enchanting gaze. She has that look in her eye that says she wants to know how your planet looks on a lazy evening when the moon is f...

The Hawkeye Initiative

The Hawkeye Initiative is a place to draw attention to ridiculously sexist comic book character drawings by replacing a female in a typical superhero pose with the character Hawkeye. We are used to seeing women drawn as...

Beer Can Lamp

This classy lamp is built around a beer can and shaded with can tabs. Gerrard Paschke made it and other lamps from beer and energy drink cans. He also makes birdhouses, insect sculptures and bowls from old license plates...

Lego Ramen

Behold, a tribute to ramen tendered in LEGO bricks! This was created by Lego enthusiasts at the University of Tokyo.The display was part of the school’s 63rd Komaba Festival which hosts more than 100,000 people and...

Penguin Fan

Penguin Fan - $7.95Do you know someone one who seems needlessly hot under the collar because of the stress of the holidays? Get them the Penguin fan from the NeatoShop. This adorable and portable handheld fan is a great...

Every Little One Starts Bathing in the Sink

(Video Link)Sure, he's adorable bathing in the sink, but when he graduates to the tub then you can both benefit -after all, why use a rubber duckie when you can have the real thing instead?Via Cute Overloadcu...

The Toughest Course in College

The picture was taken outside a classroom at George Brown College in Toronto. After many jokes and much conjecture, johannap, the creator of the power point presentation, came forward at Buzzfeed and explained that it wa...

The 10 Largest Canyons on Earth

Never underestimate the power of moving water -especially over millions of years. The canyons created by rivers are sculptural wonders found all over the globe. You are probably familiar with the Grand Canyon in the U.S....

The Most Terrifying Garfield Comic Ever Published

Garfield is known for eating whole trays of lasagna and punking family dog Odie, not being a cold blooded killer.But once upon a time, in a collection called Garfield: His 9 Lives, we were presented with an alte...

Scratchin' DJ Cat

[] (YouTube link)Put a little Bob Marley on the turntable, and pretty soon all the cool cats are coming around. -via Daily of the DayDJ, cat, turntable...

Absinthe Lollipop

Lollyphile, the folks who brought us the maple bacon lollipop, has a selection of lollipop flavors for adults, including the intriguing absinthe flavor. Others taste like Habanero tequila, whisky, and white Russian. No,...

A Sincere Homage to Larry Fine

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website.Louis Fineberg was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on October 5, 1902. Louis grew up as a n...

Cheetos-Flavored Macaron

The Manhattan bakery Macaron Parlour offers every kind of macaron you could want including Earl Grey tea, s'more, tiramisu and bacon. This one, flavored inside and out with Cheetos dust, is perfect for game night.Link -v...

Deer Race

[] (YouTube link)Veteran announcer Roger Houston knew what to do when three deer got on the track and delayed a horse race Wednesday night. He made up names for the deer and started calling the...

"Scientists" Uncover Global League of Mythical Creatures

In the past week, there have been news stories from normally serious sources concerning a unicorn, yeti, sasquatch, chupacabra, and a vampire. We passed on all of them except for the vampire story (which had no mention o...

French Hen 12 Days Mini Ornament

French Hen 12 Days Mini Ornament - $17.95The holidays are here. Get ready to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas with your very own French Hen 12 Days Mini Ornament from the NeatoShop. This delightful hand-painted ornamen...

Flintlock Butter Knife

Although there were such things as repeating flintlock firearms, gun owners of the flintlock era needed options when it took up to a minute to reload. This unusual weapon probably made by a gunsmith named F.X. Richter wa...

A Very Good Reason To Run

How's this for motivation? You're tired, weak in the knees and can't seem to go on until a zombie clown comes after you and motivates you to RUN!There are lots of zombie runs taking place across the country these days, a...

6,000 Miniature People form a Map of the World

Carlos de Menezes's 30-foot wide map of the world consists entirely of thousands of miniature human figures standing in plaster. Menezes handpainted each of the 6,000 little people and sorted them into little communities...

Bizarre Movie Theaters from All Over the World

There's a world of variety in movie theaters beyond your mall cineplex. Flavorwire shows us open air theaters, solar-powered theaters, theaters that float on water, and even a drive-in on the roof!The disappearance of th...

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