Beer-Battered Deep-Fried Bacon

Photo: Dude Foods

I love bacon, not a huge fan of the deep fryer, but in this case I may make a rare exception. Deep-fried, beer-battered, bacon smothered bacon. Oh-my-lanta. As Anthony Bourdain might say- that is some serious food porn.

Nick over at Dude Foods has deep fried everything from mashed potatoes to lasagna, from deviled eggs to White Castle sliders. It was finally time for him to deep fry the bacon. That is some serious dedication to deep frying, while his heart may be hating him I bet he has the happiest taste buds on the planet. As I was considering posting this, Alex shared a few choice words of encouragement "bacon is like internet Viagra" then walked off giggling. Well put Alex, well put.

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Bacon is made from tortured, sad pigs deprived of all that makes for a happy life. Pigs are intelligent, even more intelligent and fun loving than dogs! They can recognize themselves in a mirror and can even play videogames. Yet they are raised in horribly cruel factory farms deprived of any comfort or peace or even the ability to move around...Please google Mercy For Animals and see for yourself the undercover video taken at factory farms. It will shock and horrify you :(
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